This piece, affectionately referred to as “Sponges” for the first year of its creation, evolved out of a discussion with a friend who commented that people were like sponges. “People need to be careful what they put out into the world” ... because we will soak up what comes back down on us. During this conversation, I immediately had images of dancers throwing sponges into the air, and trying to avoid being hit by them as they fell back down to the ground.
Encore dancers were given sponges to hold and use during improvisational rehearsals, and again after choreography was set. Initially, I had planned for the dancers to use, and to wear the sponges as part of their costumes. That plan was altered as the piece developed, as the movement evolved, reflecting the initial discussion of people being like sponges.
The dancers are sending good upwards/outwards, grabbing the good, washing it over themselves, swirling it around their worlds, and avoiding the bad. Upward palms are representative of being open to accepting good things.
Premiere Date: 15 May 2015